Fauziya Johnson
Fauziya Johnson is a Somali-Dominican queer curator, artist and producer based in Manchester. Fauziya creates with a focus on current social and political issues through community-centred workshops, art projects, and exhibitions. Her work creates thought-provoking, engaging and trusted spaces for the public to engage in, making collective care, deconstructing harmful systems, and activism the core of the work for marginalised groups, in particular Queer, Black and disabled communities.
Fauziya's vision for her work is to create cultured thought and engagement with the audience. She extends her practice by doing workshops to develop community collaboration and expand on collective care.
Fauziya has worked to also dismantle the stereotypes around BPD/EUPD, which is something she is diagnosed with, in which has been done through infographics, documented interviews, illustration and video. I explore the origins of harmful rhetoric and re-work artistically it in a critical but caring, gentle way.
She has also co-founded and edits ROOT-ed Zine, a zine and social platform dedicated to supporting, promoting and inspiring creatives of colour in the North West. She is currently on the board of Trustees for METAL CULTURE UK. She has awards for Community Arts Platform (ROOT-ed) and gained a scholarship for her Fine and Art BA at Liverpool Hope University.
If you'd like to work with Fauziya for any future projects, please contact via email: jfauziya@gmail.com
If you'd like to view Fauziya's Artist C.V, please click here.
Instagram: @fauziyajohnson